unPERFECTED: The Mastermind for mama

A 6 month Mastermind + Retreat for the high-achieving mom boss ready to ditch perfectionism so that she can elevate her life, leadership and business with more courage, confidence, joy and ease.

Discover what’s on the other side of perfection, UNperfected®.

Your most unburdened, unmasked and UN-freaking-leashed self. 

Girlfriend, you’re ready to join UNperfected®: The Mastermind for Mama if: 

  • You’re a high-achieving, high performing, yet anxious AF working mama who is already making six figures and has all that society would deem successful, yet you are on the brink of burnout trying uphold the “perfect” life

  • You are so sick of feeling like no matter what you do, it’ll never be enough and you’ll never have enough time, energy or friggen sanity to make your real dreams come to life

  • You’ve been pondering, perhaps even researching deep questions like, “Is it normal to be this unhappy?”, “Who I am, really?!”, and “How can I feel more free?”

  • You’re serious about wanting to do the darn work from the inside out so that you can ditch perfectionism to become your truest self while elevating your life, leadership and business

  • You’re down to peel back the layers of conditioning, patterning and people-pleasing to reveal your most bad ass authentic presence

  • You’re ready and willing to look at whats been driving the fear, stuckness, anxiety and perfectionism to heal, transcend and integrate all of who you are, CEO style.

  • You know you are meant for more, you just need to be Uncaged while gaining the clarity, courage and confidence to make it happen

***Similar to real life, the work you’ll be doing in this program is NOT a clear cut, linear process. It’s unpredictable, messy and yet life-changing at the same time.

What Other Mama’s Are Saying When They Choose to Work with me

Brooke is an expert at discovering each person’s strengths! She is also able to unpack a person’s obstacles, fears, and what might be standing in the way of reaching their dreams. Brooke is highly experienced, knowledgeable, and approachable. She understands how a balanced mind, body, and spirit can bring forth the best in people both personally
and professionally.

-Holly Scott,
Chief People Officer, TRIO Design

Brooke Jean’s custom programs bring real tools to real women who are juggling all the hats we wear.  From setting boundaries, to incorporating self care, to rising on your career while balancing motherhood; her approach is one that that speaks to the hearts of all women.  I have also referred Brooke Jean to do talks for organizations I run with and my clients have told me that her presentations have changed their lives.  This is not another generic program - you will walk away different and better because of it.  I can attest to this myself.

-Natalie Tuccio,
Sr. Account Manger, Reconstruction Experts

There have been several huge eye openers/“gems” that have come from working with Brooke. The first team build she did with my company 4 years ago, I learned what was holding my company back was “my fear of failure”. Because of that fear I was pressuring my employees to work harder, faster, and truly causing burnout amongst my team. After the team build, I am not kidding my entire company culture shifted. And since I run the company from a very positive place, we have done several team builds with her since then and our team has benefited in some amazing ways, personally and professionally.

-Kristen Terjesen,
Owner, Studio 10 Interior Design

Some of the most profound growth and movement forward in my life the last few years has been during my work with Brooke Jean, and particularly after our Brainspotting sessions. I was surprised at how quickly the process was to access emotionally central memories and recognize the patterns they influence…while giving the scaffolding to let go and begin the process of creating new beliefs.

-Natalie Esquivel

The situation…

You’re here because you’ve done all the things society’s told you will lead to a good life. You’ve worked your fanny off in school, been hustling in your career, found a partner, started a family, bought the house, the cars, the vaca’s and even have the 401k.

And yet there’s a deep yearning for something different. Something more. You’re unfulfilled, unhappy and feeling caged in. This has caused deep resentment as you feel lifetimes away from your desires of having more. More possibility, more freedom, more success, wealth, joy and play.

To cope with feeling bound to your roles and responsibilities you’ve fallen into self- sabotaging patterns like my good ol’ fashioned trifecta: more wine, more cheese and Amazon Prime.

Every day is ground hogs day and you are ready to get off the hamster wheel. You can no longer carry on like this. You know you are meant for more. You sense there’s a better way. And because let’s face it, we’re mid life you are done fucking around and finding out. YOU ARE READY to unmask, unburden and unleash your next level potential in a way that feels freaking good and lights your soul on fire. Ya feel???

I’m here to help you get clarity on what that yearning is calling you toward and to provide you with the community, tools and support to start taking life-changing action, like yesterday!


In this six month group container you will learn an inside-out, neuroscience- backed, psychological and energetic approach to unmask, unburden and unleash your true nature, your bad ass next level potential so you can dream, create and live unPERFECTED.

You’ll learn & Experience: 

  • First - that you are NOT alone - you will embark on this journey with other like minded working mamas who are ready for the next level.

  • Month 1: How to leverage ENERGY to get what you want. To have a frequency first way of BE-ing that makes getting what you want do-able with more ease and joy.

  • Month 2: Identify, uproot and reprogram beliefs holding you back from stepping into your higher version of self, your fullest potential, your CEO energy.

  • Month 3: Get right with who the heck you are under your roles and responsibilities. This is an epic self-discovery journey to guide you home to the truth of who you are because its from that place that you can create the life you’ve always wanted. It’s about authenticity, baby.

  • Month 4: Hello BOUNDARIES, my old friend. Learn how to set and protect boundaries starting with some on yourself.

  • Month 5: Build a toolkit to regulate your nervous system, process emotion and manage your mind so its not managing you!

  • FINALLY accept the reality that self-care is the vehicle to success. I mean it.

  • Month 6: Enhance wealth consciousness. Most women I work with struggle to ask for what they deserve and often repel when it comes time to RECEIVE. More million dollar mamas please!

  • 2 - 1:1 Brainspotting sessions with me to remove blocks and expand you into your fullest potential from a brain and body based modality.

  • BONUS!!! FREE access to the Brain Health reBOOT

    While these sessions are guided with topics, we will always have time to address whatever’s coming UP for you in real time. Thats why the program has private sessions with me as well as hot seat coaching available in each session.



Its your time, baby!!

Mama, choose you. Invest in yourself. Lord knows you've done enough for everyone else.

Build the life you’ve always dreamed of. Book your FREE discovery call to see if this is a good fit and to join our next group starting in September 2024!